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Water Services

Water Leak Detection

A higher water bill is usually a good sign that there is a water leak in your house. But also a damp or moist spots on your carpet or flooring or an low water pressure can be good signs that something it is wrong.

If you noticed some of the signs above mentioned or if you touch a warm spot on your floor or a toilet not fluding very well you may ha e a la water lear in your house.

The first step for us is to detect where the leak is. We have instruments and skills able to detect a leak without destroying your property. If you don't see a leak but you think there is, we can see it, no matter where it is hiding.

Water leaks can mean cost increase (higher water bills) but can create damages to walls, ceilings, carpets and flooring. So preventing them and repair before it is too late, it is very important. And the cost you can have to detect a leak is actually a save comapred to the costs you can have if the leaks begin to be uncontrolled.

There could be different reasons for a leak: shifting in the foundation of your home, too high water pressure or pipes deteriorating over time or for .

If you have noticed any of the signs above mentioned please contact us as soon as possible. We will be glad to help youto find the leak and repair right away.

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